
兵工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 3619-3630.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2023.0742

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周浩, 暴小鹏*(), 张洪刚   

  1. 海军工程大学 兵器工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430030
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-11 上线日期:2024-02-06
  • 通讯作者:
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Improved Design of Phase Modulation Compensation and Analysis of Disturbance Suppression for UAV Active Disturbance Rejection Control

ZHOU Hao, BAO Xiaopeng*(), ZHANG Honggang   

  1. College of Weapons, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430030, Hubei, China
  • Received:2023-08-11 Online:2024-02-06


为解决非线性自抗扰控制应用中无人机位姿跟踪控制响应相位滞后的问题,利用非线性函数的滤波特性与相位补偿机理完成调相补偿器设计,解决了跟踪微分器实际滤波与相位跟踪之间的矛盾,进而提出调相补偿改进后的自抗扰控制(Phase Compensation ADRC,PCADRC),将其应用于四旋翼无人机飞控作业中的姿态与轨迹跟踪。通过由空中避障圆角矩和锥形螺旋组成的复合轨迹跟踪分析PCADRC应用的飞航控制性能优势,并设计无人机轨迹跟踪抗扰实验,对自抗扰控制的调相补偿改进效果进行验证。仿真与实验结果表明,对于平面或空间、平缓或陡变不同性质的轨迹,PCADRC能在确保抑扰性能前提下提高位姿跟踪的准确性、时效性与鲁棒性,能更好满足其稳健的飞控需求。

关键词: 四旋翼无人机, 非线性自抗扰控制, 调相补偿, 参数整定, 轨迹跟踪


In order to solve the problem of phase lag in the response of position tracking control applied by nonlinear active disturbance rejection control (NLADRC) technology, the filtering characteristics of nonlinear functions and the phase compensation mechanism are utilized to complete the design of phase modulation compensator, which solves the contradiction between the actual filtering of a tracking differentiator and the phase tracking. And then a phase compensation active disturbance rejection control (PCADRC) is proposed, which is applied to the attitude and trajectory tracking of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)in flight-control operations. The flight-control performance advantages of PCADRC application are analyzed through the composite trajectory tracking consisting of airborne obstacle avoidance rounded moments and conical spirals, and Thedisturbance rejectionexperiment for UAV trajectory tracking is designed, and the improved phase modulation compensation effect of ADRC is verified. The simulated and experimental results show that, for trajectories with different properties of planar or spatial, flat or steep, PCADRC can improve the accuracy, timeliness, and robustness of attitude tracking under the premise of ensuring the disturbance rejection performance, which can better satisfy the requirements of the robust flight control.

Key words: quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle, nonlinear active disturbance rejection control, phase modulation compensation, parameter tuning, trajectory tracking
