
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 1648-1659.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.08.009

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檀妹静1,2, 杨光2, 李宇2, 周禹2, 曹占伟2, 闫昊2, 檀姊静1   

  1. (1.长安大学 建筑工程学院, 陕西 西安 710061; 2.中国运载火箭技术研究院 空间物理重点实验室, 北京 100076)
  • 上线日期:2021-09-15
  • 作者简介:檀妹静(1988—),女,高级工程师,博士。E-mail: tanzherei@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Influence of Rectifying Wedge on the Flow Structure and Aerodynamic Heating Environment around All-movable Rudder

TAN Meijing1,2, YANG Guang2, LI Yu2, ZHOU Yu2, CAO Zhanwei2, YAN Hao2, TAN Zijing1   

  1. (1.School of Civil Engineering,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi, China;2.Science and Technology on Space Physics Laboratory, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology,Beijing 100076,China)
  • Online:2021-09-15

摘要: 基于局部外形优化改善空气舵附近区域局部热环境,可明显提升高马赫数飞行器热防护系统在恶劣环境下的适应性和生存能力。整流帽的应用作为高马赫数飞行器全动舵流动与气动热特性优化的有效手段,在近年来备受关注。建立一种适用于高马赫数完全气体可压缩流动的数值模拟方法,采用该方法开展整流帽布局及几何参数对全动舵附近流动结构及热环境分布规律的影响研究,并通过带整流帽布局的平板-全动舵模型激波风洞测热试验对数值模拟方法的准确性进行验证。结果表明:高速来流流经整流帽时将产生激波减速,在整流帽下游激波迅速膨胀分离,空气流动速度和加热能力均显著降低;从整体上看,设置整流帽能够显著降低整流帽展向宽度范围内的全动舵及附近平板气动热环境;随着整流帽楔角减小,全动舵气动加热整体呈恶化趋势;随着整流展宽增加,全动舵气动加热进一步减轻。

关键词: 全动舵, 整流帽, 流动结构, 热环境, 数值模拟

Abstract: The aerodynamic heating around aerodynamic rudder by local-configuration optimization is reduced to effectively enhance the livability and adaptability of high-Mach-number flight vehicle. The rectifying wedge is an effective means for optimizing the flow and aerodynamic heating characteristics for high Mach number flight vehicle. A numerical method is proposed to investigate the flow and aero-heating characteristics under a configuration of high-Mach-number plate/rudder. The proposed numerical method was used to study the influence of rectifying wedge on the flow structure and aerodynamic heating environment around all-movable rudder and validated through thermal measurement test in shock wave tunnel. The results show that the usage of rectifying wedge contributes to the reduction in both flow speed and aero-heating capability. This could attribute to the reduction effect of rectifying wedge shock wave on flow speed by the speedily expand and separation. Moreover, the aerodynamic heating environment around all-movable rudder within the span width region is found lower with rectifying wedge in general. With the decrease in rectifying wedge angle, all-movable rudder heating environment gets worse. Meanwhile, with the increase in span width, all-movable rudder heating environment gets better.

Key words: all-movablerudder, rectifyingwedge, flowstructure, heatingenvironment, numericalsimulation
