
兵工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (7): 2092-2100.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.0234

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闵博旭, 高剑*(), 井安言, 陈依民, 王佳润, 潘光   

  1. 西北工业大学 航海学院, 陕西 西安 710072

Robust Event-triggered Adaptive Pitch Attitude Control for Underwater Gliders with Actuator Faults

MIN Boxu, GAO Jian*(), JING Anyan, CHEN Yimin, WANG Jiarun, PAN Guang   

  1. School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2022-04-08 Online:2023-07-30



关键词: 海洋工程, 水下滑翔机, 事件触发控制, 自适应控制


To ensure robustness against model uncertainties and actuator faults while reducing control energy consumption, this paper proposes a robust adaptive fault-tolerant scheme using the event-triggered input technique for the pitch attitude control of underwater gliders. Based on the backstepping method, the dynamic surface control technique is employed to avoid calulating the derivation of the virtual control law. Model uncertainties, external disturbances, and actuator faults are compensated as a whole using a RBF-NN that takes advantage of historical input and output data. A relative-threshold event-triggered condition is designed to avoid continuous updating of the control law. Finally, the Lyapunov stability theory is used to ensure the SGUUB of the closed-loop signals. The simulation results confirm that the proposed scheme has robust control performance and can better reduce control energy consumption and communication resource occupation.

Key words: ocean engineering, underwater glider, event-triggered control, adaptive control