
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 1316-1325.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0329

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吕代龙, 陈少松, 徐一航, 邱佳伟   

  1. (南京理工大学 能源与动力工程学院, 江苏 南京 210094)
  • 上线日期:2022-03-23
  • 作者简介:吕代龙(1996—),男,硕士研究生。E-mail: lvdailonger@163.com

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Close-coupled Canard Missile

L Dailong, CHEN Shaosong, XU Yihang, QIU Jiawei   

  1. (School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu, China)
  • Online:2022-03-23

摘要: 由于导弹在大攻角下舵面法向力会下降,导致机动性降低。在鸭舵前添加反安定面,可使之与鸭舵之间产生有利干扰,在获得机动性的同时获得高操纵性。采用数值模拟方法研究亚声速和超声速条件下双鸭式布局导弹的近距耦合效应。在验证数值方法可靠的基础上,与鸭式布局导弹进行对比分析,重点研究来流工况为Ma=0.5与Ma=2.0时在不同迎角下反安定面与鸭舵之间的涡系演变过程,并对舵面法向力和俯仰力矩进行了分析。分析结果表明:当来流处于亚声速时,在中大迎角以后产生的增升效果明显,反安定面卷起的下洗涡与鸭舵涡卷绕融合后使之得到明显增强,涡强度的增强延迟了鸭舵表面的流动分离,提高了法向力;当来流处于超声速时,相互之间的耦合作用变为使鸭舵上表面流速增加和下表面涡量减少,进而提升鸭舵升力;双鸭式布局能够增加平衡迎角,提高操纵性。

关键词: 双鸭式布局, 近距耦合, 法向力, 数值模拟, 气动特性

Abstract: Because the normal force of the canard surface of missile will decrease at high angle of attack, resulting in reduced maneuverability, in order to obtain high maneuverability and high maneuverability, an anti stabilizer is installed in front of the canard, resulting in favorable interference between the anti stabilizer and the canard rudder. A computational study for a fixed-canard dual-spin rocket projectile is described. On the basis of verifying the reliability of the numerical method,the aerodynamic characteristics of three states,i.e.,no canards,reverse-spinning canards correction fuse and non-spinning canards correction fuse,at supersonic speed are studied. The influence of canards correction fuse on the lateral force of overall projectile and its components is analyzed emphatically. The results show that the drag coefficient and normal force coefficient of the overall projectile increase,and the lateral force coefficient of projectile increases dramatically with the angle of attack after the installation of canards correction fuse.The lateral force produced by the projectile body is affected by the canards,which is the main component of the overall projectile's lateral force,and the canards correction fuse itself is the least. After the installation of the canards correction fuse,the interaction between wake vortex of the canards and the body vortex is the main reason for the increase in lateral force produced by the body and the tail fins.

Key words: doublecanardconfiguration, close-coupling, normalforce, numericalsimulation, aerodynamiccharacteristics
