
兵工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9): 1719-1726.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2020.09.003

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赵子涵1,2, 穆希辉2, 杜峰坡2   

  1. (1.陆军工程大学石家庄校区 弹药工程系, 河北 石家庄 050003; 2.32181部队, 河北 石家庄 050003)
  • 上线日期:2020-11-18
  • 作者简介:赵子涵(1991—), 男, 博士研究生。 E-mail: zzh_track@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Constitutive Model of Flexible Composites for Rubber Track

ZHAO Zihan1,2, MU Xihui2, DU Fengpo2   

  1. (1. Department of Ammunition Engineering, Shijiazhuang Campus, Army Engineering University, Shijiazhuang 050003, Hebei, China; 2. Unit 32181 of PLA, Shijiazhuang 050003, Hebei, China)
  • Online:2020-11-18

摘要: 橡胶履带性能是影响履带式行走装置使用寿命的关键因素之一。为准确表征橡胶履带在服役条件下产生的大变形、非线性和各向异性等力学行为,开展不同帘线偏角下橡胶-帘线复合材料单轴拉伸试验研究,分析帘线偏角对材料力学性能的影响,建立一种考虑橡胶与帘线相互作用的超弹性本构模型。基于粒子群优化算法和牛顿迭代法,提出一种模型参数寻优拟合方法。依次根据帘线偏角为90°、0°和15°的单轴拉伸数据拟合得到模型参数,并对帘线偏角为45°和60°的单轴拉伸数据进行预测,拟合曲线的决定系数R2分别为0.992 8和0.982 9,预测效果较为理想。对不同帘线偏角的单轴拉伸试验工况进行数值仿真,并与试验数据进行对比分析。结果表明,仿真结果与试验数据趋势基本一致,最大仿真误差约为10.86%,验证了所提模型的正确性以及与有限元分析的适应性。

关键词: 橡胶履带, 本构模型, 纤维增强复合材料, 各向异性, 超弹性

Abstract: The performance of rubber track is one of the key factors affecting the service life of tracked walking mechanism. In order to characterize the mechanical behavior of rubber track with large deformation, nonlinearity and anisotropy in the driving process, the test study of uniaxial tension of rubber-cord composites at different off-axis angles is carried out. The influence of cord off-axis angle on the mechanical properties of the composites is analyzed. A constitutive model involving interaction between rubber and cords is established. Based on the particle swarm optimization and Newton iteration method, an optimization algorithm for parameters fitting is proposed. The model parameters are obtained from the uniaxial tension data with cord off-axis angles of 90°, 0° and 15°. The uniaxial tension data with cord off-axis angles of 45° and 60° are predicted. The results show that the coefficients of determination, R2, are 0.992 8 and 0.982 9, respectively. The proposed model is validated by comparing the numerical results with the uniaxial tension data. The maximum simulation error is about 10.86%, which further verifies the reliability and adaptability of the proposed model to finite element analysis.

Key words: rubbertrack, constitutivemodel, fiberreinforcedcomposite, anisotropy, hyperelastic
