
兵工学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 398-402.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2014.03.016

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江念, 王召巴, 金永, 陈友兴   

  1. (中北大学 信息与通信工程学院, 山西 太原 030051)
  • 收稿日期:2013-08-26 修回日期:2013-08-26 上线日期:2014-04-28
  • 作者简介:江念(1988—),男,博士研究生
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(61201412); 山西省青年科技研究基金项目(2012021011-5)

Measurement of Interface Bond Quality of Composite Structure Using Nonlinear Ultrasound

JIANG Nian, WANG Zhao-ba, JIN Yong, CHEN You-xing   

  1. (School of Information and Communication Engineering,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,Shanxi,China)
  • Received:2013-08-26 Revised:2013-08-26 Online:2014-04-28

摘要: 为满足评价复合结构界面粘接质量的需求,研究了一种测量粘接界面粘接强度的非线性超声检测系统。实验中制作了3组有机玻璃/粘接剂/钢结构的粘接试件,粘接剂采用环氧树脂胶粘剂,以3种配比模拟不同的粘接强度。针对目前兰姆波检测方法中其模式的选择相对复杂,脉冲反射回波法未能根据二次谐波激发效率判断粘接状态的问题,提出了一种单频率大幅度超声激励作用下,表征界面超声非线性程度的二次谐波幅值A2与反射基波幅值A21之比A2/A21的方法。实验结果表明:非线性效应程度越大,界面粘接质量越差,可将非线性效应程度作为有效评价复合结构粘接质量的特征参数。 为满足评价复合结构界面粘接质量的需求,研究了一种测量粘接界面粘接强度的非线性超声检测系统。实验中制作了3组有机玻璃/粘接剂/钢结构的粘接试件,粘接剂采用环氧树脂胶粘剂,以3种配比模拟不同的粘接强度。针对目前兰姆波检测方法中其模式的选择相对复杂,脉冲反射回波法未能根据二次谐波激发效率判断粘接状态的问题,提出了一种单频率大幅度超声激励作用下,表征界面超声非线性程度的二次谐波幅值A2与反射基波幅值A21之比A2/A21的方法。实验结果表明:非线性效应程度越大,界面粘接质量越差,可将非线性效应程度作为有效评价复合结构粘接质量的特征参数。

关键词: 仪器仪表技术, 非线性超声, 反射基波, 二次谐波, 复合结构, 粘接质量

Abstract: A nonlinear ultrasonic test system is established to meet the needs of evaluating the interface bond quality of composite structure. Epoxy resin is chosen as adhesive to make three sets of specimens which are made up of synthetic glass/adhesive/steel so as to simulate the different bond strengths with three different rations of epoxy resin to curing agent. For the problem of the complexity to determine the mode of lamb using lamb wave approach and the situation of that bond states cant not be evaluated based on second harmonic exciting efficiency using pulse-echo ultrasonic techniques, a method is developed, in which the specimen is excited by a single-frequency ultrasound, and A2/A21 (the ratio of second harmonic A2 to fundamental wave A21) is used to characterize the degree of nonlinear ultrasonic response. The experimental results indicate that the interface bond quality reduces with the increase in the degree of nonlinearity, and thus it can effectively evaluate the interface bond quality.

Key words: apparatus and instruments technology, nonlinear ultrasonic, reversed fundamental-frequency echo, second harmonic, composite structure, bond quality
