
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 2722-2730.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.12.020

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刘亚丽1, 宋遒志1,2, 赵明升1, 周能兵1, 刘悦1   

  1. (1.北京理工大学 机电学院, 北京 100081; 2.北京理工大学 前沿技术研究院, 山东 济南 250300)
  • 上线日期:2022-01-15
  • 作者简介:刘亚丽(1990—),女,助理教授,博士。E-mail:buaaliuyali@126.com
  • 基金资助:

The Four-stage Assisted Technology of Flexible Ankle Exoskeleton Robot Based on Force and Position Hybrid Control

LIU Yali1, SONG Qiuzhi1,2, ZHAO Mingsheng1, ZHOU Nengbing1, LIU Yue1   

  1. (1.School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China; 2.Institute of Advanced Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Jinan 250300, Shandong, China)
  • Online:2022-01-15

摘要: 外骨骼机器人的助力策略是影响外骨骼机器人助力效率的关键因素。相对于平地行走模式下的外骨骼机器人,坡地行走模式的助力机器人助力机理尚不明确。针对上述问题,以人体运动特征为切入点,研究坡地行走模式下的关节做功规律,阐述人体关节运动机理,并提出力位混合控制的四段式踝关节外骨骼助力策略。进一步研制柔性踝关节助力外骨骼机器人,并通过关节力矩与代谢试验验证该助力外骨骼机器人的助力效率。研究结果表明,坡地行走过程中,外骨骼机器人能够提供人体运动所需7%的关节运动力矩,并能够降低约3.5%的行走代谢能耗。

关键词: 外骨骼机器人, 力位混合控制, 四段式助力, 坡地行走, 摄氧量

Abstract: The assistant strategy for lower extremity joints is a key factor influencing the assistant efficiency of exoskeleton robots. The exoskeleton robots during walking on level ground have been widely explored and proved to be effective. However,the performance of exoskeleton robots during walking on a slope has not been widely analyzed,and even the assistant characteristics of exoskeleton robots during walking on a slope has not been explored.An exoskeleton robot was developed to study the physiological characteristics and joint power characteristics of human during walking on a slope.A four-stage force-position hybrid control method for ankle assisted exoskeleton robot was proposed based on the rationale of human movement. A flexible ankle exoskeleton was deverloped based on the analysis,and the assisting efficiency testing experiment of the assistance torque and energy consumption was made. The results demonstrate that the exoskeleton robot can provide the assisted ankle joint torque of 7% and decrease the oxygen uptake by 3.5% during walking on a slope.

Key words: exoskeletonrobot, force-positionhybridcontrol, four-stageassistedtechnology, slopewalking, oxygenuptake
