
兵工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 1201-1209.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2020.06.017

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陈建华1, 李烨1, 王琦2, 穆希辉3   

  1. (1. 91054部队, 北京 102401; 2. 32140部队, 河北 石家庄 050000;3. 32181部队,河北 石家庄 050000)
  • 收稿日期:2019-07-31 修回日期:2019-07-31 上线日期:2020-08-07
  • 作者简介:陈建华(1989—),男,工程师。E-mail: chenjhua89@zju.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research on Impedance Self-adjusting Control of Lower Extremity Exoskeleton during Support Phase Based onHuman Motion Ability

CHEN Jianhua1, LI Ye1, WANG Qi2, MU Xihui3   

  1. (1.Unit 91054 of PLA, Beijing 102401, China; 2.Unit 32140 of PLA, Shijiazhuang 050000, Hebei, China; 3.Unit 32181 of PLA, Shijiazhuang 050000, Hebei, China)
  • Received:2019-07-31 Revised:2019-07-31 Online:2020-08-07

摘要: 针对支撑相期间下肢助力外骨骼机器人阻抗控制拟人性、柔顺性不足的问题,开展基于人体运动能力的下肢外骨骼支撑相阻抗自调整控制方法研究。通过下肢刚度特性试验测定支撑相不同阶段人体的刚度特性,分析了外骨骼阻抗与驱动器阻抗之间的非线性变化规律;设计了一种基于人体运动能力的外骨骼支撑相阻抗自调整控制系统,通过重力补偿和系统摩擦力辨识确保阻抗自调整的准确实施,并进行了仿真与试验验证。结果表明:阻抗自调整控制方法能够确保外骨骼较好地跟随预设位移曲线,满足支撑相外骨骼不同阶段的柔顺需求;所得成果可为改善外骨骼行走人机耦合性、研究完整行走步态外骨骼柔顺控制提供支撑。

关键词: 下肢外骨骼, 支撑相, 阻抗自调整, 人体运动能力, 人机耦合

Abstract: To solve the problem of that the impedance control of lower extremity exoskeleton during the support phase is not humanoid and its flexibility is not enough, the impedance self-adjusting control method of lower extremity exoskeleton during the support phase based on human motion ability is studied. The stiffness characteristics of human lower limber in different sub-phases of support phase were measured through the stiffness characteristic test, and the rule of non-linear change between exoskeleton impedance and actuator impedance was analyzed. An impedance self-adjusting control of lower extremity exoskeleton during support phase based on human motion ability was designed. The accurate implementation of impedance self-adjusting is ensured after gravity compensation and system friction identification. From simulation and experiment, it is found that the impedance self-adjusting method could ensure the exoskeleton’s motion to follow the preset displacement curve well and meet the flexibility requirements of different sub-phases. The research work in this paper contributes to the human-machine coupling between human and exoskeleton and the exoskeleton compliance control of the whole walking gait.Key

Key words: lowerextremityexoskeleton, supportphase, impedanceself-adjustmentcontrol, humanmotionability, man-machinecoupling
