
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 1847-1857.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.09.005

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程申申, 陶如意, 王浩, 薛绍, 林庆育   

  1. (南京理工大学 能源与动力工程学院, 江苏 南京 210094)
  • 上线日期:2021-10-20
  • 作者简介:程申申(1994—),男,博士研究生。E-mail:css_njust@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Dampling Characteristics of Projectile in Engraving Process of Nylon Sealing Band

CHENG Shenshen, TAO Ruyi, WANG Hao, XUE Shao, LIN Qingyu   

  1. (School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu, China)
  • Online:2021-10-20

摘要: 为研究大口径火炮发射状态下弹丸尼龙弹带挤进过程的阻力特性,分析不同结构尺寸弹带的影响,建立弹带挤进的有限元模型。基于显式动力学有限元方法,编制内弹道程序对压力场进行计算,利用Abaqus软件对结构动力学过程进行仿真模拟,通过软件内部幅值自定义子程序接口将内弹道程序与动力学过程进行耦合求解。对不同弹底半径、不同宽度以及不同刻槽形式的弹带结构进行仿真计算,模拟结果完整地呈现了挤进过程中弹带的力学性能和变形演化。结果表明:弹丸底部半径越大,弹带流变空间越小,挤进阻力也越大;弹带的密封性能随着其宽度增加而逐渐改善,但所受阻力也会逐渐增大,当宽度过大时会引起膛压过高和弹带失效等风险;弹带刻槽可以有效地将单段流变转变为多段流变,在保证闭气性能前提下避免弹带宽度过大而造成的阻力过大,且刻槽深度变化对挤进阻力的影响比刻槽宽度变化更大;仿真计算结果可为后续选择合理的弹带结构提供重要参考。

关键词: 火炮, 弹丸, 尼龙弹带, 挤进过程, 耦合数值模拟, 有限元

Abstract: A finite element model of the sealing band is established to research the mechanical properties of nylon sealing band of projectile launching from a large-caliber artillery during engraving process and analyze the influences of the the sealing bands with different structures on the engraving process. The pressure field is governed by an internal ballistic program,and the nonlinear mechanical behaviors are predicted based on the engineering software Abaqus. The pressure field and the structures through moving boundaries are coupled by using a user subroutine interface VUAMP in Abaqus. The different bottom radii and the nylon band structures with different widths and grooves were simulated and calculated. The simulated results show the mechanical properties and deformation evolution of band during the engraving process. The calculated results show that the larger the radius of projectile base is, the smaller the deformation space of band is and the greater the engraving resistance is. The sealing performance of band is improved with the increase in its width, but the resistance is also increased gradually. The sealing band groove can effectively change a single section of deformation into a multi-section of deformation, and the change of groove depth has a greater influence on the engraving resistance than the change of groove width.

Key words: artillery, projectile, nylonsealingband, engravingprogress, couplingnumericalsimulation, finiteelementmethod
