
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (11): 2791-2797.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0611

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徐海斌, 杨军, 仵可, 陈博, 随亚光, 王等旺   

  1. (西北核技术研究所, 陕西 西安 710024)
  • 上线日期:2022-07-21
  • 作者简介:徐海斌(1980—),男,副研究员,博士。E-mail: xuhaibin@nint.ac.cn

Simultaneous Initiation of Light-Initiated Explosive Silver Acetylide-Silver Nitrate

XU Haibin, YANG Jun, WU Ke, CHEN Bo, SUI Yaguang, WANG Dengwang   

  1. (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi'an 710024, Shaanxi, China)
  • Online:2022-07-21

摘要: 研究光敏炸药光起爆技术及其同步性是光敏炸药加载技术逼真模拟X光热-力学效应的关键。利用自研的镀膜光纤探针作为测时传感器,表征钨丝电爆炸产生强脉冲闪光引爆光敏炸药涂层的光起爆同步性能。结果表明:镀膜光纤探针作为测量单点起爆时间的传感器,可以较高精度地获取光敏炸药涂层各点起爆时间;光照度越高则起爆同步性越好、光起爆延滞期越短;钨丝数量由1根增加至2根可以明显改善光起爆同步性,相邻测点最小起爆时差由0.6 μs降为 0.1 μs, 各测点光起爆延滞期由33.7~57.7 μs降为13.0~20.4 μs,为大面积光起爆技术研究提供了依据。

关键词: 爆炸力学, 光敏炸药, 乙炔银-硝酸银, 同步性, 电爆炸, 光辐射起爆

Abstract: An experimental simulation technique using light-initiated explosive is considered as a high-fidelity technique to study the structural effect caused by X-ray induced blowoff impulse loading. To realize nearly simultaneous impulse loading with very short duration over large areas of the light-initiated explosive, silver acetylide-silver nitrite(SASN), it is critical to develop a technology to initiate sprayed coatings of light-initiated explosive almost simultaneously. Using coated optical fiber probes, simultaneous initiation of sprayed layers by pulse flash produced by electrical explosion of tungsten wire is characterized and proven to be accurate. The results show that the detonation times of a sprayed-deposited explosive can be obtained precisely by the probes. The higher the illuminance, the better the synchronicity of the initiation and the shorter the delay period of the light initiation. When the number of tungsten wires is increased from one to two, the simultaneity of light initiation is significantly improved that the minimum time gap for ignition between adjacent measured points is reduced from 0.6 μs to 0.1 μs when the delay time is decreased from 33.7~57.7 μs to 13.0~20.4 μs. The conclusion indicates that it is possible to achieve high simultaneity of light initiation over a large coverage of light-sensitive explosive.

Key words: mechanicsofexplosion, light-initiatedexplosive, silveracetylide-silvernitrate, simultaneousinitiation, electricalexplosion, lightinitiation
