
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 835-841.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.04.017

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祝昊, 靳栓宝, 王东, 王公宝, 魏应三, 胡鹏飞, 武星宇, 何升阳, 胡风革   

  1. (海军工程大学 舰船综合电力技术国防科技重点实验室, 湖北 武汉 430033)
  • 上线日期:2021-06-08
  • 作者简介:祝昊(1990—),男,助理研究员,博士。E-mail: zhuhaoyx@foxmail.com
  • 基金资助:

Open-water Characteristics of Shaftless Pump-jet Thruster

ZHU Hao, JIN Shuanbao, WANG Dong, WANG Gongbao, WEI Yingsan, HU Pengfei, WU Xingyu, HE Shengyang, HU Fengge   

  1. (National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, Hubei, China)
  • Online:2021-06-08

摘要: 无轴泵喷推进器是一种新型集成电机推进装置,其融合了无轴推进和泵喷推进技术的特点。为研究无轴泵喷推进器与常规推进器的水动力性能差异,采用流体数值计算手段,对比分析某无轴泵喷推进器样机与机械式泵喷推进器、E779A螺旋桨的水动力性能,并分析无轴泵喷推进器水动力效率的定义方式。通过设计的试验台架完成了无轴泵喷推进器样机的性能测试,并验证了数值计算结果的有效性。研究结果表明,无轴泵喷推进器最高敞水效率达到了0.662,低于常规螺旋桨,但其高效的进速系数区间远大于常规螺旋桨,能够在更多的工况下高效运行。

关键词: 无轴泵喷推进器, 水动力性能, 数值计算, 敞水效率, 水动力试验

Abstract: The shaftless pump-jet thruster (SPT) is a new type of integrated motor propulsion (IMP) device, which combines both the characteristics of shaftless propulsion and pump-jet propulsion technologies. In order to study the difference of hydrodynamic performance between SPT and conventional thruster, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach is used to analyze and compare the hydrodynamic performances of SPT, traditional mechanical pump-jet thruster and E779A propeller. The definition of hydrodynamic efficiency of SPT is also discussed. The results show that the open-water efficiency of SPT reaches 0.662, which is lower than that of the conventional propeller. The high-efficiency working range of SPT is rather wider than that of the propeller, which means that SPT is able to work efficiently under more working conditions. Finally, a test bench is designed for the hydrodynamic test of SPT and the verification of the numerical simulation model of SPT above.

Key words: shaftlesspump-jetthruster, hydrodynamicperformance, numericalcalculation, open-waterefficiency, hydrodynamictest
