
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 1792-1807.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0321

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官典1, 郭亚雯2, 李世鹏2, 唐嘉宁3, 王宁飞2   

  1. (1.北京机电工程总体设计部, 北京 100854; 2.北京理工大学 宇航学院, 北京 100081;3.云南民族大学 电气信息工程学院, 云南 昆明 650500)
  • 上线日期:2022-08-12
  • 作者简介:官典(1992—),男,工程师,博士。E-mail:805233853@qq.com

Influence of Gas-particle Two-phase Flow on Ignition of the Solid Rocket Motor under Lateral Acceleration

GUAN Dian1, GUO Yawen2, LI Shipeng2, TANG Jianing3, WANG Ningfei2   

  1. (1.Beijing System Design Institute of Electro-mechanic Engineering, Beijing 100854 China; 2.School of Aerospace Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China; 3.School of Electrical and Information Technology, Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming 650500, Yunan, China)
  • Online:2022-08-12

摘要: 固体火箭高速自旋诱发的过载环境会引起燃烧室内流动、传热和燃烧耦合关系的改变,致使发动机点火特性区别于常规点火,对点火可靠性和弹体安全产生潜在威胁。为了研究过载下固体火箭发动机点火过程特性,建立耦合颗粒惯性过载场、颗粒碰撞推进剂增强传热、推进剂侵蚀/过载耦合燃烧、流场惯性过载场效应的综合点火模型。对不同横向过载方向、大小以及颗粒粒径下点火过程进行计算,给出了动态气-粒分布特征,分析了颗粒粒径与过载大小对点火峰值压力pmax、点火滞后时间ξ1、火焰传播时间ξ2和火焰填充时间ξ3的影响规律。研究结果表明:点火过程中过载方向引发气-粒分布规律存在明显差异,进而影响推进剂传热与内弹道在时域的缩短规律;相同过载环境下,粒径减小,点火滞后时间ξ1和火焰传播时间ξ2缩短,而对火焰填充时间ξ3的影响基本可以忽略;在大长径比发动机中,点火颗粒粒径不变,点火延迟时间ξ随过载增加而缩短。

关键词: 固体火箭发动机, 横向过载, 颗粒碰撞传热, 数值计算, 点火建压

Abstract: Due to the acceleration environment induced by the high-speed spinning of the solid rocket, the coupling relationships of flow, heat transfer and combustion are obviously different from those in the conventional ignition process, posing a potential threat to ignition reliability and projectile safety. To investigate the ignition characteristics solid rocket motor under acceleration, a new comprehensive ignition model considering the inertial acceleration field effect of the fluid and particle, particle collision heat-transfer enhancement of propellant, acceleration-induced combustion and erosion is developed . The dynamic gas-particle distribution law is obtained during ignition under lateral acceleration of the different directions and particle sizes. The influence of particle size and acceleration on pressure peak pmax, ignition delay time ξ1, flame propagation time ξ2 and flame filling time ξ3 in the ignition process is analyzed. The results show that the gas-particle distribution is effectively changed by the acceleration-loads direction, which affects the heat transfer of the propellant and the shortening of the internal ballistics in the time domain. Under the same acceleration-loads condition, the smaller particle size, the shorter the ignition delay time ξ1 and the flame propagation time ξ2, while the effect on the flame filling time ξ3 can be basically ignored. At the same particle size condition, the ignition delay time ξ is reduced by the increased acceleration-loads for large aspect ratio solid rocket.

Key words: solidpropellantrocket, lateralacceleration, particlecollisionheattransfers, numericalsimulation, ignitioninterval
