
兵工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (10): 2954-2963.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.0583

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庞伊琼, 许华*(), 张悦, 朱华丽, 彭翔   

  1. 空军工程大学 信息与导航学院, 陕西 西安 710077
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-30 上线日期:2023-10-30
  • 通讯作者:
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Modulation Recognition Algorithm Based on Transfer Meta-Learning

PANG Yiqiong, XU Hua*(), ZHANG Yue, ZHU Huali, PENG Xiang   

  1. Information and Navigation College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710077, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2022-06-30 Online:2023-10-30



关键词: 调制识别, 模型无关元学习, 迁移学习, 深度神经网络


For the problem that the modulation recognition algorithm based on deep learning can not be trained when there are only a few labeled signal samples, the model-agnostic meta-learning algorithm is used to improve the generalization performance of the network so that the network can accurately recognize the signals to be recognized with only a few training samples. At the same time, the deep neural network is pre-trained to reduce the training difficulty of the network at the meta learning stage. According to the idea of transfer learning, the amount of network parameters required for learning new class signals is reduced by introducing the learnable scaling offset parameters to migrate the network parameters obtained from the pre training. When facing the recognition task of new class signals, the accurate recognition can be achieved by finely tuning the network through a small number of signal samples. The experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve a recognition accuracy of 93.5% when there are only 5 training samples.

Key words: modulation recognition, model-agnostic meta-learning, transfer learning, deep neural network
