
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 327-339.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.02.011

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王虹富1, 白帆1, 刘彦1,2, 段卓平1, 黄风雷1   

  1. (1.北京理工大学 爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室, 北京 100081; 2.北京理工大学重庆创新中心, 重庆 401120)
  • 上线日期:2021-03-27
  • 作者简介:王虹富(1992—),男,博士研究生。E-mail:3120185149@bit.edu.cn;
  • 基金资助:

Ignition Reaction Rate Model of RDX-based Aluminized Explosives under Shock Waves

WANG Hongfu1, BAI Fan1, LIU Yan1,2, DUAN Zhuoping1, HUANG Fenglei1   

  1. (1.State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;2.Beijing Institute of Technology Chongqing Innovation Center, Chongqing 401120, China)
  • Online:2021-03-27

摘要: 为分析黑索今(RDX)基含铝炸药中铝粉的颗粒尺寸对炸药冲击点火的影响,以及建立该含铝炸药冲击点火的细观反应速率模型,开展了含铝炸药冲击起爆的实验和数值模拟研究。设计5 μm、 16 μm、40 μm和100 μm不同铝粉粒径,具有相同组分配比和RDX颗粒尺寸的4种炸药配方,对4种RDX基含铝炸药进行了冲击点火起爆实验;通过合理假设,提出RDX基含铝炸药的细观点火模型,并在考虑点火增长的基础上,完善细观反应速率模型,利用细观反应速率模型和含铝炸药的I&G模型对上述实验进行了数值模拟。实验和数值模拟结果表明:对于100 μm、 40 μm、 16 μm和 5 μm粒径铝粉含铝炸药,铝粉在CJ面前的反应度分别为0.80%、2.45%、3.20%和4.15%;随着RDX基含铝炸药中的铝粉尺寸减小,铝粉在CJ面前的反应速率增快,炸药中的前导冲击波传播速度变快且压力峰值增高,压力峰值的出现时间与前导冲击波到达时间的间隔减短,炸药的冲击感度提高;与I&G模型相比,细观反应速率模型计算的压力历史与实验结果更为吻合;细观模型能较好地模拟较大尺寸颗粒铝粉(铝粉尺寸大于炸药颗粒尺寸的1/10)的反应特征,对于100 μm和40 μm铝粉粒径含铝炸药,模拟计算每个拉格朗日位置的前导冲击波到达时间、压力峰值时间和压力峰值等参量与实验结果相差不超过10%。

关键词: 含铝炸药, 铝颗粒尺寸, 热点, 细观点火模型, 反应特征

Abstract: The shock initiation of aluminized explosives was experimented and simulated to investigate the influence of constituent aluminum powder sizes on shock ignition and establish a microscopic reaction rate model for shock ignition of the RDX-based aluminized explosives. Four explosive formulae with the same initial component ratio and RDX particle size but with different aluminum grain sizes (5 μm, 16 μm, 40 μm and 100 μm) were designed, and the shock initiation experiments were conducted for these four RDX-based aluminized explosives. At the same time, a microscopic ignition model of RDX-based aluminized explosives was proposed by reasonable assumption, a microscopic reaction rate model considering the ignition growth was established, and the above experiments were numerically modeled by using this microscopic reaction rate model and I&G model of aluminized explosives. The experimental and simulated results show that 0.80%, 2.45%, 3.20% and 4.15% of aluminum are involved in the reaction for RDX-based aluminized explosives with 100 μm, 40 μm 16 μm and 5 μm aluminum powders in front of the CJ plane, respectively; with the decrease in aluminum powder sizes in aluminized explosives, the reaction rate of aluminum powders in front of the CJ plane increases, the faster the propagation velocity of the precursory shock wave increases, the greater the peak pressures in aluminized explosives are, and the time interval between the occurrence time of the peak pressure and the arrival time of the precursory shock wave are shorter, the explosive impact sensitivity increases. The pressure calculated using this microscopic reaction rate model are more reasonable agreement with the experimental results compared with I&G model. The microscopic model is applicable for simulating the reaction characteristics of large size aluminum powder in RDX-based aluminized explosives (the diameter of aluminum powder is larger than 1/10 of the explosive particle size) for the shock ignition process. For RDX-based aluminized explosives with 100 μm and 40 μm aluminum powders, the maximum error between the calculated parameters and the experimental results for arrival time of precursory shock wave, peak-pressure time and peak pressure at each Lagrange position is less than 10%.

Key words: aluminizedexplosive, aluminumparticlesize, hot-spot, microscopicignitionmodel, reactioncharacteristic
