
兵工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 1549-1557.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2020.08.009

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张笑宇, 冯永新, 钱博   

  1. (沈阳理工大学 辽宁省信息网络与信息对抗重点实验室, 辽宁 沈阳 110159)
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-17 修回日期:2019-08-17 上线日期:2020-09-23
  • 作者简介:张笑宇(1988—),男,博士研究生。E-mail: xiaoyu88211@163.com
  • 基金资助:

A Joint Estimation Method for PN Sequence Period of BOC Signals

ZHANG Xiaoyu, FENG Yongxin, QIAN Bo   

  1. (Key Laboratory of Information Network and Information Countermeasure of Liaoning Province, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, Liaoning, China)
  • Received:2019-08-17 Revised:2019-08-17 Online:2020-09-23

摘要: 二进制偏置载波(BOC)信号具有抗干扰性和抗截获性,其伪码周期精确估计可为后续信号处理提供重要依据。通过分析BOC信号自相关函数的特性,提出一种新的BOC信号伪码周期估计方法。该方法在传统二次谱估计方法的基础上增加正交分路来消除噪声和载波分量的影响,得到基带调制序列的自相关函数;对离散谱线进行统计分析,在未知信号参数条件下对BOC信号进行精确的伪码周期估计。仿真结果表明:基于正交分路的二次谱估计方法可在低信噪比情况下精确地估计BOC信号伪码周期;相比于传统二次谱估计方法,新估计方法可提高3 dB的信噪比容限。

关键词: 二进制偏置载波信号, 伪码周期估计, 正交分路, 二次谱

Abstract: Binary offset carrier (BOC) can greatly improve the anti-interception performance and anti-jamming capacity,which is widely used in secure communication system.The accurate estimation of pseudo noise(PN) code sequence period for BOC signals supports the subsequent signal processing.On the basis of analyzing the characteristic of auto-correlation function, a Joint estimation method for PN sequence period of BOC signals is proposed. The proposed method can eliminate the influences of the carrier component and noises by introducing the orthogonal two-way to the traditional sepctrum reprocessing.The PN sequence period at low signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) can be estimated by getting the autocorrelation function(ACF) of PN sequence without carrier and analyzing the discrete spectral line.The simulated results show that the proposed estimation method can accuately estimate the PN sequemce period at low SNR,and can promote 3 dB SNR tolerance compared to the traditional estimation method.

Key words: binaryoffsetcarriersignal, pseudonoisecodesequenceperiodestimation, orthogonaltwo-way, secondaryspectrum
