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兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (S2): 120-125.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.B014

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刘曰胜, 张绍荣, 朱程鹏, 张文拴, 张程智   

  1. (陆军军事交通学院镇江校区, 江苏 镇江 212000)
  • 上线日期:2022-11-30
  • 作者简介:刘曰胜(1987—),男,讲师,博士。E-mail:iamliu775@126.com

Design of Boundary Alert System for Ship Navigation on Boundary River

LIU Yuesheng, ZHANG Shaorong, ZHU Chengpeng, ZHANG Wenshuan, ZHANG Chengzhi   

  1. (Army Military Transportation University Zhenjiang Campus, Zhenjiang 212000, Jiangsu, China)
  • Online:2022-11-30

摘要: 船艇在界河巡逻执勤过程中,通常采用目力观测和经验判断等方法判断船只是否越界,而在恶劣气象条件下或航标配布不到位的界河河段存在航行安全隐患,有必要使用助航报警系统进行辅助决策。通过融合集成导航定位、识别判定和报警3个子系统,综合运用北斗和地理信息系统技术,合理使用网络地图资源建立报警区域数据库,并利用铅垂线法和CalcIntersectPoint函数实现船位状态的识别和判断。阐述了船艇界河航行越界报警系统的基本特点和设计思路,阐明了系统实现过程,验证分析了系统的性能。研究结果表明:通过船艇界河航行越界报警系统的制作实现,可为界河航行越界报警系统的下一步开发提供一定的理论、技术、数据上的支撑。

关键词: 船艇, 界河航行, 越界报警系统

Abstract: In practice, persons on duty always analyze whether a watercraft has crossed the boundary by visual observation and experiential judgment, while in severe weather conditions or in broad stretches of the river where navigational aids are not properly distributed, the above-mentioned methods have potential safety hazards. It is necessary to use the navigation-aid alarm system to assistant with decision-making. By integrating three subsystems of positioning, identification and alarm, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System and GIS systems are integrated, network map resources are rationally used, the alarm area databased is established, and the plumb line method and CalcIntersectPoint function are used to recognize and judge the status of the ship. This paper introduces the features and design ideas of the boundary alarm system for ship navigation on the boundary river, clarifies the process of manufacturing and realizing the system, and verifies and analyzes its performance. The results show that the realization of the alarm system can provide some theoretical, technical and data support for the further development of the boundary alarm system for ship navigation on the boundary river.

Key words: watercraft, navigationonboundaryriver, boundaryviolationalarm
