
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (S2): 139-145.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.B010

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戴璐, 邵一夫, 郭宇元, 徐志红, 赵琪, 张兵, 杜德岩, 梁天   

  1. (北京卫星制造厂有限公司, 北京 100094)
  • 上线日期:2022-11-30
  • 作者简介:戴璐(1982—),女,高级工程师,硕士。E-mail:56199695@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Intelligent Design System of Satellite Equipment Based on Digital Twins

DAI Lu, SHAO Yifu, GUO Yuyuan, XU Zhihong, ZHAO Qi, ZHANG Bing, DU Deyan, LIANG Tian   

  1. (Beijing Spacecrafts Co. Ltd., Beijing 100094, China)
  • Online:2022-11-30

摘要: “十四五”期间,卫星装备研制任务数量将逐年增加,卫星装备的复杂程度也不断提高。为改进以经验为主的卫星装备传统设计模式,解决卫星装备设计数据库标准化程度低、数据可继承性差、数据生命周期覆盖率差、生产试验运行数据与原始数据交互率低,导致设计效率低、研制成本高、维护升级困难等难题,提出一种基于数字孪生的卫星装备智能设计方法。将卫星装备按尺寸、载荷、特点分类归纳出卫星载荷条件、卫星装备功能模块、生产检测试验模块、运维模块组成的数据库。依据卫星尺寸、接口、载荷等条件根据计算规则驱动孪生出卫星装备数字功能模块,并自动装配成孪生模型,根据载荷的一些特殊条件对数字孪生模型功能模块进行智能联动调整,并可以将孪生模型计算结果、装备实物验证结果和当前孪生数字模型进行对比迭代和修正,不断提高孪生数字模型准确性,并可以通过孪生模型全生命周期数据监控,实时将实物维护改造信息同步映射到孪生模型,进一步提高卫星装备设计效率,缩短研制周期,削减研制成本。

关键词: 卫星装备, 智能设计, 数字孪生, 孪生模型, 航天, 全生命周期

Abstract: During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, the number of satellite equipment development tasks is increasing year by year, and the satellite equipment becomes increasingly more complex. To improve the traditional way of designing satellite equipment based on experience and solve the problems such as low standardization of satellite equipment design database, poor data inheritance, poor data life cycle coverage, low interaction rate between production test/operation data and original data, which results in low design efficiency, high development cost, and difficult maintenance and upgrading, this paper proposes an intelligent design method for satellite equipment based on digital twins. According to the size, load and characteristics of satellite equipment, the database consisting of satellite load conditions, satellite equipment function modules, production inspection and test modules, and operation and maintenance modules is summarized. According to the satellite size, interface, load and other conditions, the twin satellite equipment digital function module is driven according to the calculation rules, and is automatically assembled into a twin model. According to some special conditions of the load, the digital twin model function module is intelligently adjusted, and the twin model calculation results, equipment physical verification results and the current twin digital model can be compared, iterated and modified to continuously improve the accuracy of the twin digital model. Through the twin model full life cycle data monitoring, the physical maintenance and transformation information can be synchronously mapped to the twin model in real time, which further improves the design efficiency of satellite equipment, shortening the development cycle and reducing the development cost.

Key words: satelliteequipment, intelligentdesign, digitaltwins, twinmodel, spaceflight, fulllifecycle
