
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 729-736.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0173

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闫晓鹏1, 王珂2, 刘强3, 郝新红1, 于洪海1   

  1. (1.北京理工大学 机电动态控制重点实验室, 北京 100081;2.北京宇航系统工程研究所, 北京 100076;3.中国兵器科学研究院, 北京 100089)
  • 上线日期:2022-05-08
  • 作者简介:王珂(1995—),女,博士研究生。E-mail: qianmo_wk@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Jamming Signal Design of Pseudo-code Phase Modulation Fuze Based on Duffing Oscillator

YAN Xiaopeng1, WANG Ke2, LIU Qiang3, HAO Xinhong1, YU Honghai1   

  1. (1.Science and Technology on Electromechanical Dynamic Control Laboratory,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;2.Beijing Institute of Astronautical systems Engineering,Beijing 100076,China;3.Chinese Academy of ordnance Sciences,Beijing 100089,China)
  • Online:2022-05-08

摘要: 为有效干扰伪码调相引信,提出基于Duffing振子参数盲估计的重构式引信欺骗式干扰方法。在建立Duffing振子输出信号、引信信号的伪随机码信号、引信信号与Duffing振子内策动力信号差频信号的乘法关系式基础上,基于Duffing振子隐含周期性实现对伪码调相引信载频和伪随机序列的盲参数估计。根据高精度估计的结果重构引信干扰信号,理论分析了该干扰信号对伪码调相引信的作用过程和欺骗式干扰效果。将所提盲参数估计方法与重构信号的干扰效果进行仿真分析和半实物实验验证。结果表明,盲估计方法在-35 dB信噪比下仍具有良好的参数估计性能,并能进一步重构出引信干扰信号,干扰效果明显优于其他的传统引导式干扰信号。

关键词: 伪码调相引信, Duffing振子, 参数估计, 干扰信号, 低信噪比

Abstract: A reconstructed spoofing jammping method based on parameter blind estimation is proposed to effectively jam the pseudo-code phase-modulated fuze. On the basis of establishing the multiplication relation among the output signal of Duffing oscillator,the pseudo-random code signal of fuze signal,and the difference frequency signal of fuze signal and the internal driving signal of Duffing oscillator,the blind parameter estimation of fuze carrier frequency and pseudo-random sequence is realized based on the implied periodicity of Duffing oscillator.The fuze's jamming signal is reconstructed based on the high-precision estimated results,andthe jamming effect of the jamming signal on the pseudo-code phase-modulated fuze is analyzed theoretically. The proposed blind parameter estimation method and the jamming effect of the reconstructed signal are simulated and verified by the semi-physical experiment. The simulated and experimental results show that the blind estimation method maintains good parameter estimation performance up to an SNR of -35 dB and further reconstructs the fuze jamming signal.It is superior to other traditional jamming methods.

Key words: pseudo-codephasemodulationfuze, Duffingoscillator, parameterestimation, jammingsignal, lowsignal-to-noiseratio
