Acta Armamentarii, a Chinese monthly journal, was first published in 1979. The journal is supervised by China Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by China Ordnance Society,and edited and published by Editorial Board of Acta Armamentarii. The Journal is included in all important domestic databases,and also collected by Engineering Index (EI, USA), Chemical Abstracts (CA, USA), Science Abstracts (SA, UK), Abstract Journal (AJ, Russia), and Current Bibliography on Science and Technology(CBST).Acta Armamentarii has been selected into the journal Of Ordnance Science and Technology (Weapons Industry) Field Of High Quality Scientific and Technological Periodical Classification Catalogue (2022 edition), ranking T1, and the journal of Automotive Engineering Field of High Quality Scientific and technological Periodical classification Catalogue, ranking T2.
The aim of publication of Acta Armamentarii is to report the latest academic achievements in the field of ordnance science and technology. The papers about fundamental research, applied basic research, applied research and engineering technology are published in the journal. The journal focuses on the ordnance science and technology subjects, including armor, launch, guidance, ammunition, underwater ordnance, protection, weapon information technology, energetic material, combustion and detonation, ballistics, fire control and command control, unmanned equipment, ordnance material and manufacturing, and ordnance supporting technology (experiment, metrology, detection, reliability and safety).