Bayesian Compression and Reconstruction for Rotating Mechanical Vibration Signal Based on Laplace Prior and Sparse BlockCorrelation
MA Yunfei1, BAI Huajun2, WEN Liang2, GUO Chiming2, JIA Xisheng2
(1.Department of Armament,Noncomissioned Officer Academy of CAPF,Hangzhou 310023,Zhejiang,China;2.Equipment Command and Management Department, Shijiazhuang Campus, Army Engineering University,Shijiazhuang 050003,Hebei,China)
MA Yunfei, BAI Huajun, WEN Liang, GUO Chiming, JIA Xisheng. Bayesian Compression and Reconstruction for Rotating Mechanical Vibration Signal Based on Laplace Prior and Sparse BlockCorrelation[J]. Acta Armamentarii, 2021, 42(12): 2762-2770.
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