Analysis of the Minor Deformation of Imaging Primary Mirror Supporting Platform of Missile at Low Temperature
CHEN Ke1,2, ZHANG Yongfei1,2, WANG Dulin1,2, LIU Zijun1,2, FU Xiaogang1,2
(1.Research and Development Center of Infrared Detection Technology,China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation,Shanghai 201109,China; 2.Shanghai Institute of Spaceflight Control Technology,Shanghai 201109,China)
CHEN Ke, ZHANG Yongfei, WANG Dulin, LIU Zijun, FU Xiaogang. Analysis of the Minor Deformation of Imaging Primary Mirror Supporting Platform of Missile at Low Temperature[J]. Acta Armamentarii, 2021, 42(12): 2637-2645.
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