
兵工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 886-894.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0768

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张宁1(), 林海华2(), 孙亚平1,2(), 李宗吉1(), 王世哲1()   

  1. 1 海军工程大学 兵器工程学院,湖北 武汉 430000
    2 92767部队,山东 青岛 266000
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-13 上线日期:2022-07-30
  • 通讯作者:
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Analysis of Petri Net Model and Index Demonstration for Torpedo Equipment Testing and Maintenance

ZHANG Ning1(), LIN Haihua2(), SUN Yaping1,2(), LI Zongji1(), WANG Shizhe1()   

  1. 1 College of Ordnance Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430000, Hubei, China
    2 Unit 92767 of PLA, Qingdao 266000, Shandong, China
  • Received:2021-11-13 Online:2022-07-30


针对鱼雷装备测试维修使用需求,采用广义随机Petri网模型对鱼雷装备进行测试维修建模,并对测试性指标进行分析。分别建立鱼雷装备系统层和结构层GSPN模型,依据故障模式影响和危害性分析(FMECA)对鱼雷装备故障模式进行分类;对鱼雷结构层GSPN模型非基本变迁进行拓展,构建鱼雷装备基层级维修子网GSPN模型;采用同构法求解维修子网GSPN模型,利用的稳态可用度解析公式分析测试性参数与使用可用度(A0)之间的影响关系;以某型号鱼雷为例,开展测试性指标求解和模型仿真验证。研究结果表明,模型仿真可用度A’=0.999 8,与系统要求值误差小于1%,验证了所构建模型的可行性和有效性。

关键词: 鱼雷, 测试性, 可用度, Petri网模型


To meet the needs of testing and maintenance of torpedo equipment, the generalized stochastic Petri net model is used to the testing and maintenance modelling of the torpedo equipment, and the testability indices are analyzed. Firstly, the GSPN models of the system layer and the structure layer of the torpedo equipment are established respectively, and the failure modes of the torpedo equipment are classified according to the failure mode, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA). Then the non-basic transition of the GSPN model of the torpedo structure layer is expanded. Second, the isomorphism method is adopted to solve the maintenance sub-network GSPN model, and the steady-state availability analytical formula is employed to analyze the influence relationship between the testability parameters and the use availability (A0). Finally, taking a certain type of torpedo as an example, the testability index solution and model simulation verification are carried out. The model simulation availability is A’=0.999 8, and the error with the system requirement value is less than 1%, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the constructed model.

Key words: torpedo, testability, availability, Petri net model