
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 408-421.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.02.018

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刘婧婷1, 郭继坤2, 邵芳3   

  1. (1.陆军勤务学院 军事设施系, 重庆 401311;2.陆军勤务学院 勤务指挥系, 重庆 401311;3.31007部队, 北京 100038)
  • 上线日期:2021-03-27
  • 作者简介:刘婧婷(1989—)女,讲师,博士研究生。E-mail:liujingtinglq@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Architecture of Theater Logistics and Equipment Support Command Information System Based on UAF

LIU Jingting1, GUO Jikun2, SHAO Fang3   

  1. (1.Department of Military Facilities,Army Logistics University of PLA,Chongqing 401311,China;2.Department of Logistics Command,Army Logistics University of PLA,Chongqing 401311,China;3.Unit 31007 of PLA,Beijing 100038,China)
  • Online:2021-03-27

摘要: 信息系统是战区联合作战后勤与装备保障指挥要素整体联动、效能体系释放的“神经系统”。基于全军军事信息系统依托的“网-云-端”结构理论,结合最新发布的统一体系结构框架方法原理,遴选出符合我军战区联合作战后勤与装备保障指挥信息系统构建需求的具体领域模型,并设计开发流程,而后在统一体系结构框架提供元模型基础上进一步 “裁剪+修改+融合” 建立符合我军信息系统基本数据要素需求的统一认知元模型。以元模型为约束,深入剖析后勤与装备保障指挥信息系统能力、功能、结构、服务、安防5个重点建设角度的理论交互机理,完成模型集成构建。根据战区联合作战想定案例情况,采用对象Petri方法对指挥信息系统动态模型进行执行验证,结果表明系统集成设计结构合理、过程逻辑正确,可以满足指挥信息服务需求。

关键词: 后勤与装备保障, 指挥信息系统, 网-云-端, 统一体系结构框架

Abstract: The command information system is the “nervous system” that combines the elements and releases the effectiveness of the system's joint operations in theater logistics and equipment support command. Starting from the “network-cloud-end” structure that the military information system relies on, it combines the principle of the recently released unified architecture framework (UAF) method. The specific domain models are selected, which meet the requirements of our military's theater joint operations logistics and equipment support command information system, and a development process is designed. And then the corresponding domain metamodel element relationships are “cut + modified + merged” as needed while unifying the connotation of the model. Finally, the domain metamodel is used as a constraint to analyze the theoretical mechanism and model integration construction of the logistics and equipment support command information system from five key perspectives: capability, function, structure, service, and security. According to the scenario of joint operations in theater, the Objects Petri Net method is used to verify the dynamic model of command information system. The result shows that the system integration design structure is reasonable and the process logic is correct, which can meet the needs of command information service.

Key words: logisticsandequipmentsupport, commandinformationsystem, network-cloud-end, unifiedarchitectureframework
