
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 1-10.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.01.001

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邹汝平, 陈士超, 陈韵, 张建灵   

  1. (中国兵器工业第203研究所 第一总体部, 陕西 西安 710065)
  • 上线日期:2021-03-11
  • 作者简介:邹汝平(1962—),男,研究员。E-mail: 13911988269@163.com
  • 基金资助:

A Guidance Control Method for Air-to-ground Missiles with Laser Seekers

ZOU Ruping, CHEN Shichao, CHEN Yun, ZHANG Jianling   

  1. (No.1 General Department, No.203 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries, Xi'an 710065, Shaanxi, China)
  • Online:2021-03-11

摘要: 针对半主动激光寻的空地导弹的精确快速打击需求,提出一种基于测姿陀螺中制导与激光寻的末制导的空地导弹制导控制方法。分析激光寻的空地导弹的制导特性,在弹上仅安装陀螺仪条件下,分别对导弹俯仰、偏航、滚转3个通道构建不同的控制系统结构,通过倾斜稳定控制、姿态控制、比例导引控制以及程序控制的设计与有机结合,实现导弹弹体的稳定控制以及高概率目标截获,并对高精度激光启动照射时间的确定进行研究。飞行试验结果表明,采用该方法可实现激光寻的空地导弹的稳定控制,飞行所得弹道和弹体姿态结果与理论设计相吻合。

关键词: 空地导弹, 半主动激光制导, 制导控制, 目标捕获

Abstract: A guidance control method based on attitude measurement gyro midcourse and laser homing terminal is proposed for timely precise attacking of air-to-ground missiles (AGMs) with laser seekers. The guidance feature of AGM with laser seeker is analyzed in detail. Attitude control of a missile being merely provided with gyro is conducted in pitching, yawing, and rolling channels. Stable missile body control and high target acquisition probability are realized by fusing rolling angle stabilization control, attitude control, proportional guidance control, and programming control together. Meanwhile, the determination of the laser illumination time is studied. Experimental results show that the stable control of AGM with laser seeker can be realized by using the proposed method. The results of trajectories and altitudes obtained from flight experiment coincide to the theoretical design.

Key words: air-to-groundmissile, semi-activelaserguidance, guidanceandcontrol, targetacquisition
