
兵工学报 ›› 2012, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (8): 997-1003.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2012.08.017

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宋向华, 安伟光, 蒋运华   

  1. (哈尔滨工程大学 航天与建筑工程学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001)
  • 收稿日期:2011-12-29 修回日期:2011-12-29 上线日期:2014-03-04
  • 作者简介:宋向华(1987—)男博士研究生

Non-probabilistic Reliability Analysis for Supercavitating Projectile Based on Dynamic Stability

SONG Xiang-hua, AN Wei-guang, JIANG Yun-hua   

  1. (College of Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, China)
  • Received:2011-12-29 Revised:2011-12-29 Online:2014-03-04

摘要: 超空泡射弹水下高速运动时,前端所受轴向扰动载荷非常大。考虑到扰动载荷的不确定性,有必要对超空泡射弹进行动力稳定性的可靠性分析。建立超空泡射弹截锥形结构的动力偏微分方程,并将其转化为二阶常微分Mathieu型参数振动方程,利用Bolotin方法对其动力稳定性进行数值计算,给出射弹结构动力稳定性的安全余量方程。分别分析了不同弹体杆径比、不同射弹航行速度以及不同弹体长度3种情况对超空泡射弹动力稳定性的影响,在此基础上进行了结构的非概率可靠性分析,得到了结构的非概率可靠度,通过算例说明该方法的有效性。超空泡射弹水下高速运动时,前端所受轴向扰动载荷非常大。考虑到扰动载荷的不确定性,有必要对超空泡射弹进行动力稳定性的可靠性分析。建立超空泡射弹截锥形结构的动力偏微分方程,并将其转化为二阶常微分Mathieu型参数振动方程,利用Bolotin方法对其动力稳定性进行数值计算,给出射弹结构动力稳定性的安全余量方程。分别分析了不同弹体杆径比、不同射弹航行速度以及不同弹体长度3种情况对超空泡射弹动力稳定性的影响,在此基础上进行了结构的非概率可靠性分析,得到了结构的非概率可靠度,通过算例说明该方法的有效性。

关键词: 数理统计学, 超空泡射弹, 动力稳定性, 参数共振, 非概率可靠性

Abstract: Aimed at the axial disturbed load to the head of supercavitating projectile at high speed motion underwater, its indefiniteness was considered, and the structure reliability of supercavitating projectile was analyzed on the basis of dynamic stability. The partial differential dynamic equation of the projectile's cut-off-cone structure was established, then it was transformed to a second-order ordinary differential Mathieu equation, and the numerical calculation for the dynamic stability of supercavitating structure was performed with Bolotin method,finally, the dynamic stability safety margin equations of supercavitating structure was given. The influences of length-diameter ratio, velocity and length of supercavitating projectile on the dynamic stability were analyzed. Based on those, the structural non-probabilistic reliability was analyzed and obtained, the effectiveness of the method was demonstrated by using some examples.

Key words: mathematical statistics, supercavitating projectile, dynamic stability, parametric resonance, non-probabilistic reliability
