
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (S2): 40-52.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.B024

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马焱, 冯炜, 罗荣, 李烨, 孟祥尧   

  1. (91054部队, 北京 102442)
  • 上线日期:2022-11-30
  • 作者简介:马焱(1991—),男,助理研究员,博士。E-mail: AI_worshipper@163.com

Path Planning for Coverage Search for Submarines Using Fixed-wing UAVs in Complex Irregular Sea Area

MA Yan, FENG Wei, LUO Rong, LI Ye, MENG Xiangyao   

  1. (Unit 91054 of PLA, Beijing 102442, China)
  • Online:2022-11-30

摘要: 针对使用固定翼无人机(F-W UAV)进行大范围海域潜艇快速检查覆盖搜索的问题,提出复杂不规则凹多边形区域凹点选择性移除方法的Dubins曲线搜索策略。建立UAV搜索探测代价的数学模型,结合F-W UAV的转弯特性,在传统UAV对凸多边形区域进行覆盖检查搜索的方法基础上引入Dubins曲线轨迹法。针对不规则凹多边形区域,为避免对所有凹点的“暴力”移除,提出改进的凹点移除法,将不规则凹多边形区域处理成规则的凸多边形区域。设计了复杂边界区域中UAV覆盖搜索策略对比验证实验。仿真结果表明,对多边形区域边界进行凹点处理和沿跨度搜索方向进行Dubins曲线搜索的方法可使检查覆盖搜索的无效航行代价大幅降低,可为高效搜潜提供理论支撑。

关键词: 固定翼无人机, 不规则海域, 覆盖搜潜, Dubins曲线, 凹点移除

Abstract: To deal with the problem of using fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for fast coverage search for submarines in large sea area, a Dubins path search strategy for the selective removal of concave points in regions in complex, irregular polygonal shapes was proposed. Firstly, a mathematical model of UAV searching and detection cost was established. Combined with the turning characteristics of fixed-wing UAVs, the Dubins path method was introduced based on the traditional method of UAV's coverage search in convex polygonal regions.Then, in order to avoid “violent” removal of all concave points for the irregular concave polygonal regions, an improved concave point removal method was proposed, which turned the irregular concave polygon region into a regular convex polygonal region. Finally, a comparison and verification experiment of the UAV coverage search strategy in regions with complex boundaries was designed. The simulation results showed that the method of removing the concave points on the boundary of the polygonal region and searching according to the Dubins path in the search direction along the span can greatly reduce the invalid navigation cost of the detection and coverage search, which can provide theoretical support for efficient submarine search.

Key words: fixed-wingUAV, irregularregion, coveragesearchforsubmarines, dubinspath, concavepointremoval
