
兵工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (8): 2503-2520.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.0272

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陈松, 朱东升*(), 左钦文**(), 韩朝帅   

  1. 军事科学院 防化研究院, 北京 102205

GA-PS Based Three-dimensional Space Source Inversion Algorithm

CHEN Song, ZHU Dongsheng*(), ZUO Qinwen**(), HAN Chaoshuai   

  1. Institute of Chemical Defense, Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing 102205, China
  • Received:2022-04-18 Online:2023-08-30



关键词: 化学危害事件, 三维空间, 遗传算法, 模式搜索算法, 源项反演


In response to the current dominance of hazard source location and source intensity inverse calculation in chemical hazards being confined to the two-dimensional plane, this study focuses on high-dimensional source inversion optimization characteristics. To address this limitation, we propose the Modified Genetic Algorithm and Pattern Search algorithm based on Genetic Algorithm-Pattern Search Algorithm, utilizing genetic algorithms for global optimization and leveraging the pattern search algorithm’s local optimization performance. The simulation results show that the algorithm can realize the three-dimensional spatial location of the hazard source and the inverse calculation of the source intensity using the concentration data of hazardous substances from a group of ground or air detectors in the three-dimensional space. Through inverse calculation of the measured data of the SF6 field experiment, it is verified that the algorithm can realize effective inverse calculation of the spatial location and source intensity of the hazard source under stable atmospheric conditions, achieving an inverse calculation accuracy within 30%.

Key words: chemical hazard, three-dimensional space, genetic algorithm, pattern search algorithm, source inversion
