
兵工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 792-798.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0799

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张建1(), 李涛1(), 林红霞2(), 杨东青1,2(), 方辉1(), 范霁康1(), 王克鸿1()   

  1. 1 南京理工大学 受控电弧智能增材技术工业和信息化部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094
    2 中船黄埔文冲船舶有限公司 广东省舰船先进焊接技术企业重点实验室,广东 广州 510715
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-25 上线日期:2022-06-16
  • 作者简介:







  • 基金资助:
    中国博士后科学基金项目(2020M682930); 国家自然科学基金项目(52105367); 江苏省博士后资助计划项目(2021K591C)

Effect of Welding Wire Composition on Welding Usability of High Nitrogen Steel Using Cold Metal Transfer Plus Pulse Welding Method

ZHANG Jian1(), LI Tao1(), LIN Hongxia2(), YANG Dongqing1,2(), FANG Hui1(), FAN Jikang1(), WANG Kehong1()   

  1. 1 Key Laboratory of Controlled Arc Intelligent Additive Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, Jiangsu, China
    2 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Technology for Ships, CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Company Limited, Guangzhou 510715, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2021-11-25 Online:2022-06-16


为提升高氮钢焊接质量和优化焊接工艺,研究焊丝氮、锰含量带来的焊接工艺稳定性。采用冷金属过渡加脉冲(Cold Metal Transfer plus Pulse, CMT+P)焊技术对5种高氮钢焊丝进行焊接试验,研究焊丝成分对电信号、熔滴过渡、飞溅率的影响。研究结果表明:氮含量的增加会引起电信号波动变大且分布离散,而锰含量的变化对电信号的影响较小,焊丝中氮含量对高氮钢CMT+P焊接稳定性影响大于锰含量的影响;随着氮含量的增加,熔滴过渡模式由一脉一滴转变为多脉一滴,熔滴形状不规律且尺寸变大,焊丝工艺性变差;当焊丝中氮、锰含量较小,分别为0.42%、7.19%时,焊接工艺稳定性较好;氮逸出、锰蒸发导致高氮钢熔滴剧烈爆炸产生大量飞溅,焊接飞溅率随着氮、锰含量的增加而不断增大。

关键词: 高氮钢, 熔滴过渡, 飞溅, 冷金属过渡加脉冲


To improve the welding quality of high nitrogen steel and optimize the welding process, the welding stability caused by nitrogen and manganese content was studied. Welding experiments were performed using five different welding wires made of high nitrogen steel by the Cold Metal Transfer plus Pulse welding method to investigate the effect of welding wire composition on electrical signal, droplet transfer, spatter rate. The results showed that: the increase of nitrogen content caused the fluctuation and discrete distribution of electrical signals, while the change in manganese content had less effect on electrical signals: the effect of nitrogen content in welding wire on welding stability using the CMT+P welding method was greater than that of manganese content; the mode of droplet transfer changed from one droplet per pulse to one droplet per multiple pulses as the nitrogen content increased, and the melting droplets becames irregular in shape and larger, meaning the welding usability of wires was worse; when the nitrogen and manganese contents in the welding wire was small, namely 0.42% and 7.19%, respectively, the welding process stability was better; the rapid escape of nitrogen and the evaporation of manganese caused high-nitrogen steel droplets to explode violently, producing a large amount of spatter; the welding spatter rate increased with the increasing nitrogen and manganese contents.

Key words: high nitrogen steel, droplet transfer, spatter, cold metal transfer plus pulse