
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (7): 1467-1477.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0387

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熊瑛1, 李小健1, 周伟2, 李楠1, 焦美1, 李燕1, 杜晓琳1, 聂秀丽1, 纪相普3   

  1. (1.中国北方车辆研究所 电磁兼容实验室, 北京 100072; 2.陆军北京军代局, 北京 100071;3.陆军研究院装甲兵研究所, 北京 100072)
  • 上线日期:2022-04-12
  • 作者简介:熊瑛(1989—),女,副研究员,博士。E-mail:xiongying_1989@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Broadband Electromagnetic Compatibility Modeling for Three-Phase Synchronous Motor of Armored Vehicle

XIONG Ying1, LI Xiaojian1, ZHOU Wei2, LI Nan1, JIAO Mei1, LI Yan1, DU Xiaolin1, NIE Xiuli1, JI Xiangpu3   

  1. (1.EMC Laboratory,China North Vehicle Research Institute,Beijing 100072,China;2.Beijing Military Delegation Office of the Army,Beijing 100071,China;3.Research Institute for Armored Forces,Beijing 100072,China)
  • Online:2022-04-12

摘要: 电驱动系统在工作过程中会产生宽频高强度电磁干扰,对自身及其他电子电气设备构成不可忽视的威胁,针对电驱动系统中的重要组成部分和干扰耦合媒介——三相同步电机,提出考虑寄生效应的宽频建模方法,支撑设计人员完成电磁干扰风险分析及改进优化。基于测试获得电机三相端口共模及差摸阻抗频域特性;通过数学推导得到电机的单相共模及差模阻抗特性,并借助矢量拟合技术构建等效电路方法构建电机单相端口共模及差模高频等效电路模型;最终将单相等效电路按星形连接构建出完整的电机三相电路模型。基于该方法构建某140 kW永磁同步电机等效模型,通过比对试验验证模型的准确性。研究结果表明:新方法能够快速、精确地完成三相同步电机的等效建模,且具有频率范围宽、收敛性好等特点,可与其他电子电气模块级联构成完整的电驱动系统模型,有效支撑系统级电磁干扰与电磁敏感问题的快速分析与预测,具备创新性及实用性。

关键词: 装甲车辆, 电磁兼容, 三相同步电机, 电驱动系统, 高频等效电路模型

Abstract: Broadband and high-amplitude electromagnetic interference exists in the working process of an electric drive system,posing a significant threat to the system itself and other electronic and electrical equipment. This paper proposes an innovative method for modeling the three-phase synchronous motor while taking the parasitic effect of interference into consideration. The method can help researchers analyze EMI risks and improve the system.First,the frequency domain characteristics of the common-mode and differential-mode impedance of the motor's three-phase port are obtained upon tests.Then,the characteristics of the single-phase common-mode and differential-mode impedance of the motor are obtained upon mathematical derivation,and high-frequency equivalent circuit models of the single-phase port of the motor are developed through vector fitting. Finally,a complete three-phase circuit model of the motor is constructed based on star connection of single-phase equivalent circuits. Based on this method,an equivalent model of a 140 kW permanent magnet synchronous motor is built,and the accuracy of the model is validated by tests.Results show that this method is compatible with a wide frequency range and has good convergence and high accuracy,and can be cascaded with other electronic and electrical modules to form a complete electric drive system model.The innovative and practical approach can effectively support fast analysis and prediction of system-level EMI and electromagnetic sensitivity.

Key words: armoredvehicle, electromagneticcompatibility, three-phasesynchronousmotor, electricdrivesystem, high-frequencyequivalentcircuitmodel
