
兵工学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (8): 2441-2452.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.0420

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马坤1, 李名锐1,*(), 陈春林1, 尹立新1, 冯娜1, 沈子楷1,2   

  1. 1.西北核技术研究所, 陕西 西安 710024
    2.清华大学 工程物理系, 北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-22 上线日期:2023-08-30
  • 通讯作者:
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金项目(11772269); 国家自然科学基金项目(11402213)

Influence of Stiffened Structure of Steel Plate on the Hypervelocity Penetration Ability of Cylindrical Projectile

MA Kun1, LI Mingrui1,*(), CHEN Chunlin1, YIN Lixin1, FENG Na1, SHEN Zikai1,2   

  1. 1. Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi’an 710024, Shaanxi, China
    2. Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  • Received:2022-05-22 Online:2023-08-30


为在柱形弹体超高速撞击靶板问题基础上进一步研究加筋结构对弹体侵彻能力的影响,在数值模拟方面,结合GRAY物态方程固相-液相模型、Johnson Cook(JC)强度模型以及JC失效模型作为金属本构模型,利用光滑粒子流体动力学方法开展计算。在实验方面,分别开展圆柱形弹体超高速撞击单层加筋钢板和3层加筋钢板的实验研究。结合数值模拟及实验结果,分析弹体超高速撞击加筋结构的物理机制,研究弹体倾角、弹体攻角、加筋类型、弹体直径与筋厚比对圆柱形弹体侵彻能力的影响,分析圆柱形弹体超高速撞击单层加筋钢板和3层加筋钢板问题中弹道的横向偏移。研究结果表明:在对称撞击下,在单主筋基础上增加垂直方向的主筋或副筋对弹体侵蚀长度的影响较小,弹体侵蚀长度与筋宽比随弹体直径与筋厚比的增加呈指数衰减趋势;在非对称撞击下,弹体轴线与主筋中面夹角大是引起弹体姿态发生明显变化甚至发生断裂的主要原因,而剩余弹体横向运动速度相对入射方向的剩余速度为小量;在连续撞击3层加筋钢板情况下,当主筋边界(相对弹轴远侧)与弹体边界相对弹轴的比例关系在0.6以内时,弹体仍能保持较好的侵彻能力。即使弹体相对主筋存在初始横向偏移,侵彻弹道也不会发生较大的横向偏移。

关键词: 超高速撞击, 加筋钢板, 柱形弹体, 终点弹道效应


In order to further study the influence of stiffened structure on the penetration ability of the projectile based on the problem of cylindrical projectile impacting the target plate at hypervelocity. In numerical simulations, the GRAY solid-liquid phase equation of state model, the JC strength model and the JC failure model are collectively taken as the metal constitutive model. The typical problems are calculated by the smooth particle hydrodynamics method. In the experiment, the single-layer stiffened steel plate and the three-layer stiffened steel plate are impacted by the cylindrical projectile at hypervelocity. Combined with the simulation and experimental results, the physical mechanism of the cylindrical projectile impacting the stiffened structure at hypervelocity is analyzed. The influence of the oblique angle, the attack angle, the type of stiffener, the radio of the projectile diameter and the stiffener thickness on the penetration ability of the cylindrical projectile is investigated. The lateral displacement of the trajectory of the cylindrical projectile as it impacts the stiffened steel plates at hypervelocity is analyzed. The results show that: in the case of symmetric impact, adding a main stiffener or auxiliary stiffener in the vertical direction on the basis of the single main stiffener has little effect on the erosion length of the projectile, and the radio of projectile erosion length to stiffener width decreases exponentially with the increase of the ratio of projectile diameter to stiffener thickness; in the case of asymmetric impact, the large angle between the axis of the projectile and the middle plane of the main stiffener is the main reason for the obvious attitude change of the projectile and even the fracture of the projectile, and the lateral motion velocity of the remaining projectile is small relative to the residual velocity in the impact direction; in the case of the projectile impacting the three-layer stiffened steel plate at hypervelocity, when the ratio of the main stiffener boundary far from the projectile axis to the projectile boundary relative to the projectile axis is within 0.6, the projectile can still maintain a good penetration ability. The penetration trajectory will not deviate greatly even if the projectile has an initial lateral displacement relative to the main stiffener.

Key words: hypervelocity impact, stiffened steel plate, cylindrical projectile, terminal ballistic effect
