
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 2606-2616.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.12.008

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李博平, 李国庆, 张笈玮, 吕宏亮, 武军, 李孟源, 李聪睿   

  1. (63926部队, 北京 100192)
  • 上线日期:2022-01-15
  • 作者简介:李博平(1971—),男,研究员级高级工程师。

Interior Ballistic Characteristics of Compressed Air Ejection System

LI Boping, LI Guoqing, ZHANG Jiwei, L Hongliang, WU Jun, LI Mengyuan, LI Congrui   

  1. (Unit 63926 of PLA,Beijing 100192,China)
  • Online:2022-01-15

摘要: 为分析压缩空气弹射系统内弹道特性,以压缩空气弹射装置为研究对象建立弹射过程内弹道数学模型。通过数值计算,分析发射阀全开时间、发射阀最大流通面积和低压室初始容积对内弹道特性的影响规律。结果表明:发射阀全开时间越短,弹射总时间越短,弹体出筒初始速度越高,弹体过载也越大;在一定范围内,随着发射阀最大流通面积增大,弹射总时间变短,弹体初速度增高,弹体过载变化越平缓,但发射阀最大流通面积对弹体最大过载影响较弱;低压室初始容积对弹射行程和弹体出筒初始速度影响较弱,对弹射初期弹体过载影响较大。

关键词: 压缩空气弹射, 内弹道特性, 发射阀, 低压室初始容积

Abstract: An interior ballistic mathematical model of ejection process was established to investigate the interior ballistic characteristics of compressed air ejection system under different initial conditions.The effects of the full opening time and flow area of launch valve and the initial volume of low-pressure chamber on the interior ballistic characteristics were studied through numerical calculation.The results show that the opening time of launch valve has a significant impact on the internal ballistic characteristics,and with the increase in the opening speed,the ejection time becomes shorter,the initial velocity of projectile increases,and the overload of projectile becomes larger. In a certain range,with the increase in the maximum flow area of launch valve,the ejection time becomes shorter,the initial velocity of projectile increases,and the overload of projectile changes more smoothly.However,the maximum flow area of launch valve has a weak influence on the maximum overload of projectile.The initial volume of low-pressure chamber has a weak influence on the ejection stroke and velocity,but has a great influence on the overload of projectile at the initial ejection stage.

Key words: compressedairejection, interiorballisticcharacteristics, launchvalve, initialvolumeoflowpressurechamber
