
兵工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 1902-1910.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.09.011

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李纪三, 侯娇, 刘溶, 任渊   

  1. (南京船舶雷达研究所, 江苏 南京 210003)
  • 上线日期:2021-10-20
  • 作者简介:李纪三(1981—),男,高级工程师,博士。E-mail:lijisan145@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Optimal Time Resource Allocation Algorithm for Surveillance Phased Array Radar Target Tracking Based on Bayesian FilteringAlgorithm

LI Jisan, HOU Jiao, LIU Rong, REN Yuan   

  1. (Nanjing Marine Radar Institute, Nanjing 210003, Jiangsu, China)
  • Online:2021-10-20

摘要: 针对警戒相控阵雷达的目标跟踪时间资源优化配置问题,基于贝叶斯滤波算法提出一种 应用于警戒相控阵雷达的变数据率跟踪算法。传统Cohen算法受量测噪声起伏影响引起跟踪数据率抖动,在目标反向机动阶段易造成目标的失跟;新算法在非机动时段利用正态分布的2σ准则对目标是否机动进行判决,在机动时段目标加速度服从修正的瑞利分布;在数据率增加和降低阶段采用不同平滑系数能够快速响应目标机动且确保在反向阶段不失跟。通过两个机动实例进行仿真验证,结果表明:新算法能够有效地抑制目标反向机动时的失跟问题;与传统Cohen算法相比,新算法能够快速响应目标机动。

关键词: 警戒相控阵雷达, 贝叶斯滤波, 变数据率跟踪, 反向机动, 目标跟踪时间, 资源优化分配

Abstract: For the optimal time resource allocation for target tracking of surveillance phased array radar,a variable data rate tracking algorithm is proposed based on Bayesian filtering algorithm. The adaptive data rate algorithm causes the tracking data rate to jitter due to the fluctuation of the measured noise in the uniform linear motion stage of target,but leads to losing the track of target in the reverse maneuvering stage of target. In the proposed algorithm, the normal distribution criterion is used to judge whether the target is maneuvering in the non-maneuvering phase, and the target acceleration obeys the corrected Rayleigh distribution in the maneuvering phase. The proposed algorithm uses different smoothing coefficients in the increasing and decreasing stages of data rate, thus enabling the quick response of target maneuver and ensuring to track a target in the reverse maneuvering phase. The simulated results of two maneuvering examples show that the proposed algorithm can effectively suppress the mismatch problem of target reverse maneuvering. Compared with the traditional Cohen algorithm, the new algorithm can quickly respond to target maneuver.

Key words: surveillancephasedarrayradar, Bayesianfilter, variabledataratetracking, reversemaneuvering, targettrackingtime, optimalresourceallocation
