
兵工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1939-1949.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2020.10.003

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李芍, 冯亮, 张领辉, 李耀伟   

  1. (中国北方车辆研究所, 北京 100072)
  • 上线日期:2020-11-25
  • 作者简介:李芍(1986—), 男, 副研究员。E-mail: li.shao@outlook.com
  • 基金资助:

A Software Reconfiguration Scheme for the IMV System Based on Asynchronous Communication

LI Shao, FENG Liang, ZHANG Linghui, LI Yaowei   

  1. (China North Vehicle Research Institute, Beijing 100072, China)
  • Online:2020-11-25

摘要: 随着综合模块化车辆电子系统的逐步应用,需要进一步研究其中的系统管理及软件重构技术,以提高车辆的故障处理能力及系统可靠性水平。研究联合标准化航空电子系统架构委员会(ASAAC)航空电子系统标准中的系统管理技术,以此为基础针对车辆电子系统的特点设计及实现一种基于异步通信的系统管理及软件重构方案,给出系统管理配置的实例及系统管理软件、模块管理软件的详细说明,并在桌面和嵌入式环境下完成了试验验证。研究和试验结果表明,该方案可以有效地降低多处理模块ASAAC系统管理所使用的通信负荷,较好地应对应用软件异常退出、模块断网或断电、软件重复运行等车辆电子系统中的常见故障,能在这些有故障的情况下保证系统应用软件运行的可靠性和完备性。

关键词: 综合模块化车辆电子系统, 系统管理, 模块管理, 软件重构

Abstract: With the application of the integrated modular vetronics (IMV) system in ground vehicles, the system management and software reconfiguration should be researched to improve the fault handling capability and the level of system reliability. The avionics system management standardized in the ASAAC specification is studied, and a system management and software reconfiguration scheme based on asynchronous communication is proposed for the characteristics of IMV system. In addition, the system management configurations, as well as the detail design of system management software and module management software are presented. The scheme is applied and tested in the desktop and embedded systems. The analyzed and experimental results show that the proposed method can reduce the communication load in a multi-module IMV system and effectively cope with common faults of IMV system, such as abnormal exit of application software, network disconnection, module power-off, as well as redundant software running, which enables the IMV system to retain stable and self-contained under the occurrences of these faults and their combinations.

Key words: integratedmodularvetronics, systemmanagement, modulemanagement, softwarereconfiguration
