
兵工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 1519-1528.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2020.08.006

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任元斌, 王惠林, 谢娜, 刘栋, 韩瑞   

  1. (西安应用光学研究所, 陕西 西安 710065)
  • 收稿日期:2019-09-26 修回日期:2019-09-26 上线日期:2020-09-23
  • 作者简介:任元斌(1985—),男,高级工程师,博士研究生。E-mail: 286118595@qq.com

Forward Motion and Terrain Scanning of Electro-optical Stabilized Sighting System

REN Yuanbin, WANG Huilin, XIE Na, LIU Dong, HAN Rui   

  1. (Xi'an Institute of Applied Optics, Xi'an 710065, Shaanxi, China)
  • Received:2019-09-26 Revised:2019-09-26 Online:2020-09-23

摘要: 为分析飞机前向运动对光电稳瞄系统扫描策略的影响,介绍与稳瞄系统相关的地心地固坐标系、导航坐标系、机体坐标系、瞄准线坐标系等4种常用坐标系,归纳了常用坐标系之间的齐次变换关系。从微分运动的角度,用运动学表达式论述了载机前向运动对两轴四框架稳瞄系统所产生的成像机理。搭建从稳瞄系统内部控制元件一直到系统外部地理指向的全链路仿真模型,并根据运动学关系在模型中施加相应的控制作用,以消减飞机前向运动对稳瞄系统所带来的成像影响。给全链路仿真模型赋予和物理实际相符的电学和运动学参数,模拟了稳瞄系统在空中对地定位和扫描的过程。结果显示,该前向运动理论分析正确且有效,所搭建的全链路模型可用。

关键词: 光电稳瞄系统, 瞄准线, 地理扫描, 前向运动分析

Abstract: The common coordinate systems, such as earth-centered earth-fixed, navigation, airframe and line of sight coordinate systems, are introduced, and the homogeneous transformation between them is summarized to analyze the influence of forward motion on the scanning strtegies of electro-optical stabilized sighting system. The imaging mechanism of two-axis 4-framework stablized sighting system during the forward motion of aerial carrier is discussed using kinematic expression from the perspective of differntial kinematics. A full-link simulation model is proposed for the internal control components in the sighting system and the geographical orientation. A control action is applied to eliminate the influence of forward motion on the sighting system in the proposed model. The positioning and scanning processes of the sighting sysytem in the air were simulated by introducing the electronic and kinematic parameters in the proposed model. Simulated results show that the theorectical analysis of forward motion is correct and effective, the full-link simulation model is available.

Key words: electro-opticalstabilizedsightingsystem, lineofsight, geographicalscanning, forwardmotionanalysis
