
兵工学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 1123-1130.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2020.06.008

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刘文杰1, 白春华1, 刘庆明1, 姚箭1, 王晔2   

  1. (1.北京理工大学 机电学院, 北京 100081; 2.华北科技学院 研究生部, 河北 廊坊 065201)
  • 收稿日期:2019-07-01 修回日期:2019-07-01 上线日期:2020-08-07
  • 作者简介:刘文杰(1990—),男,博士研究生。E-mail: 3120160166@bit.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Mechanism and Experimental Study of High Volatile Liquid Mass Transfer Rate

LIU Wenjie1, BAI Chunhua1, LIU Qingming1, YAO Jian1, WANG Ye2   

  1. (1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;2.Graduate Department, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Langfang 065201, Hebei, China)
  • Received:2019-07-01 Revised:2019-07-01 Online:2020-08-07

摘要: 为研究高挥发性液体传质速率计算方法,建立矩形风道,在风道中制造不同风速空气流,对103.9 mm液面直径的乙醚液面进行气体与液体(简称气液)传质质量损失的实验研究,分析不同温度对气液传质速率的影响。以实验结果为依据,根据麦克斯韦速率分布理论,结合Mackay等 [12]提出的低于沸点温度的气液传质速率计算模型进行量纲分析,提出新的温度修正项,对计算模型进行修正。液面实验结果表明:随着温度的降低,气液传质速率减小;随着风速的减小,气液传质速率减小。通过实验值与计算值的对比得到温度修正项系数为0.559,计算方法中给出气液传质速率与温度、风速0.78的次幂呈正比。为验证气液传质速率计算模型的准确性,进行液柱下流气液传质传热实验,使不同直径乙醚液柱通过2.0 m/s空气流,测量实验前后液体温度变化。根据修正后气液传质速率计算模型计算液柱下流过程中气液传质能量传递导致的温度变化情况,与实验结果进行对比。液柱下流实验结果表明:计算结果与实验测量值对比误差小于等于3.81%,修正后气液传质速率计算模型误差较小,计算精度高。

关键词: 云爆剂, 气体与液体传质, 传质速率, 风速, 液体温度, 挥发速率

Abstract: In order to study the calculation method of high volatile liquid mass transfer rate, a rectangular air duct is established, the different wind speed air flows are formed in the air passage, and the gas-liquid mass transfer loss on ether with 103.9 mm liquid surface diameter is studied experimentally, and the influences of different temperatures on the gas fluid transfer rate are analyzed. Based on the experimental results, the dimensional analysis below the boiling point temperature proposed by Donald Mackay[12] is carried out by using Maxwell's rate distribution theory and the gas-liquid mass transfer rate calculation model, and a new temperature correction term is proposed to correct the calculation model. The experimental results of liquid level show that the gas-liquid mass transfer rate decreases with the decrease in temperature and wind speed. The value of temperature correction term coefficient is 0.559 in comparison with the calculated value. The gas-liquid mass transfer rate is proportional to the powers of 0.78 of temperature and wind speed. A gas-liquid-liquid mass transfer heat transfer experiment was carried out to make the different diameter ether liquid columns pass through a 2.0 m/s air flow, and the measurement experiment was carried out. The temperature changes of liquid before and after experiment were measured. According to the modified gas-liquid mass transfer rate calculation model, the temperature change caused by gas-liquid mass transfer energy transfer during the liquid column down-flow process is calculated and compared with the experimental results. The experimental results of liquid column downflow show that the error between the calculated and experimental results is less than or equal to 3.81%, and the calculated error of the modified gas-liquid mass transfer rate calculation model is small with high computational accuracy. Key

Key words: fuel-air-explosiveagent, gas-liquidmasstransfer, masstransferrate, windspeed, liquidtemperature, evaporationrate
