
兵工学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 1708-1714.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2016.09.022

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陈嘉鸿, 向颉, 王二建   

  1. (中国卫星海上测控部 飞行器海上测量与控制联合实验室, 江苏 江阴 214431)
  • 收稿日期:2016-02-02 修回日期:2016-02-02 上线日期:2016-11-04
  • 作者简介:陈嘉鸿(1971—)男研究员
  • 基金资助:

A Nonsingularity Modification Method of Angular Deviation in Azimuth-elevation Tracking Frame

CHEN Jia-hong, XIANG Jie, WANG Er-jian   

  1. (Joint Laboratory of Flight Vehicle Ocean-based Measurement and Control, Chinese Satellite Maritime Tracking andControlling Department, Jiangyin 214431, Jiangsu, China)
  • Received:2016-02-02 Revised:2016-02-02 Online:2016-11-04

摘要: 分析回顾了雷达工程中,当前通用的方位俯仰极坐标框架下,无线电雷达跟踪测量系统角偏差正割补偿修正方法的由来及其局限性;提出了跟踪指向坐标系的定义。利用坐标转换原理给出了一种简便易行的偏差无奇点精确修正推导新方法,并证明了新方法与通用的基于立体几何推理方法的等价性,同时分析了新方法在雷达轴系偏差修正中的典型应用及其对系统跟踪测量精度的影响。对于89°仰角、方位俯仰角偏差均为3 mrad的情形,正割补偿修正法指向计算存在6 759.2″ 的方位角误差和63.5″的俯仰误差。新的推理方法有利于极坐标框架下的空间目标高精度跟踪与测量,尤其是高仰角过顶跟踪性能、指向精度和跟踪数据利用率的提高。

关键词: 雷达工程, 跟踪测量, 极坐标框架, 偏差修正, 正割补偿

Abstract: The secant compensation method for correcting an angular deviation of radar tracking measurement system in azimuth-elevation polar coordinate frame is reviewed, and its pros and cons are analyzed. To overcome the complexity of derivation process and singularity, a tracking pointing coordinate system, i.e., line-of-sight coordinate system, and a simple and practical nonsingularity compensation method based on coordinate transform principle are proposed. The equipollency between the proposed method and the universal secant compensation method based on solid geometry reasoning results is proven. The application of the proposed method in typical deviation correction of shafting and its effect on the tracking and measurement accuracies of radar system are also analyzed. For elevation angle of 89°, and azimuth and elevation angular deviations of 3 mrad, the azimuth error and elevation error calculated by the secant compensation method are 6 759.2″and 63.5″, respectively. The proposed method is benefit for the high precision tracking and measurement of space targets in the polar coordinate frame, especially to effectively improve the zenith tracking performance and the pointing accuracy with high elevation.

Key words: radar engineering, tracking and measurement, polar coordinate frame, deviation correction, secant compensation
