
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 804-813.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0200

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温怡豪1, 王金金1, 查柏林2, 徐志高1   

  1. (1.火箭军工程大学, 陕西 西安 710025; 2.火箭军装备部装备项目管理中心, 北京 100085)
  • 上线日期:2022-03-17
  • 作者简介:温怡豪(1998—),男,硕士研究生。E-mail: hgdwenyihao@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Influence of Twice Air-entering on the Combustion and Ablation Environment of Solid Rocket Ramjet

WEN Yihao1, WANG Jinjin1, ZHA Bailin2, XU Zhigao1   

  1. (1.Rocket Force University of Engineering, Xi'an 710025, Shaanxi, China; 2.Project Management Center, Beijing 100085, China)
  • Online:2022-03-17

摘要: 为给固体火箭冲压组合发动机补燃室的进气道设计提供参考,研究了空气两次进气对补燃室燃烧效率和内壁烧蚀环境的影响。采用标准k-ε(k为湍流动能,ε为耗散率)模型、涡耗散模型和King硼颗粒点火模型,分别对空气一次进气和两次进气两种补燃室的多相流燃烧进行数值模拟,并进行对比分析。研究结果表明:两次进气可包覆混合燃气,并将其向内挤压,压缩高温区域,改变氧气分布,从而减小高温内壁面积,降低低温壁面温度,减少贴近壁面的凝聚相颗粒数量,从而减弱对壁面的热烧蚀、氧化和凝聚相颗粒侵蚀作用,同时,因造成的动能损失更大,减小了贴近内壁的气流速度,可减弱气流冲刷作用,二者共同作用,较大程度改善补燃室内壁的烧蚀环境;两次进气对补燃室的燃烧效率影响不大,一次进气和两次进气补燃室的总燃烧效率分别为80.68%和80.18%;综合燃烧效率和内壁烧蚀环境两方面,表明两次进气形式优于一次进气形式。

关键词: 固体火箭冲压组合发动机, 补燃室, 两次进气, 燃烧效率, 内壁烧蚀环境

Abstract: The effect of twice air-entering on the combustion efficiency of afterburner and the ablation environment of inner wall was studied for the design of air-inlet of solid rocket ramjet afterburner. The standard k-ε model, the eddy dissipation model and the King boron particle ignition model were adopted to simulate the multiphase combustion in the single and twice air-entering afterburners. Through comparative analysis,the following conclusions were drawn as follow. The twice air-entering can coat the mixed gas and squeeze it inward to compress the high temperature area and changeg the oxygen distribution,which reduces the area of the high temperature inner wall,decrease the temperature of the low temperature wall,and cut down the number of condensed phase particles close to the wall,thereby weakening the thermal ablation,oxidation and erosion of condensed particles in the inner wall.Because of the greater kinetic energy loss which reduces the airflow velocity close to the inner wall,it also weakens the airflow scouring effect.Thus the ablation environment in the inner wall of afterburner is improved. However,twice air-entering has little effect on the combustion efficiency,and the total combustion efficiencies of afterburners with single air-entering and twice air-entering reach 80.68% and 80.18%, respectively. Considering the two aspects of combustion efficiency and ablation environment of the inner wall, it can be considered that twice air-entering is better than once air-entering.

Key words: solidrocketramjet, afterburner, twiceair-entering, combustionefficiency, ablationenvironmentofinnerwall
