
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (S2): 164-169.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2022.B012

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卫宁, 王冠   

  1. (中国船舶集团有限公司 船舶系统工程院, 北京 100094)
  • 上线日期:2022-11-30
  • 作者简介:卫宁(1977—),女,高级工程师,硕士。E-mail:zhou_aaa@sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Application of Reinforcement Learning in Decision-Making Management of Intelligent Unmanned System

WEI Ning, WANG Guan   

  1. (CSSC Systems Engineering Research Institute, Beijing 100094, China)
  • Online:2022-11-30

摘要: 智能无人系统需要在复杂环境下快速稳定地进行决策,并具备应对非预期状态的能力。智能无人系统往往由于环境及任务复杂度高而难以实施决策管理,利用强化学习平台进行智能无人系统决策管理是很好的解决方案。针对智能无人系统所处的多样性、复杂性、高动态性和不确定性环境,利用强化学习平台进行智能无人系统决策管理,在传感器有限的情况下对环境和态势进行准确感知与决策,使智能体能够利用自学习和自适应能力快速完成决策。强化学习通过与环境的自主交互过程来学习决策策略,使得策略的长期累积奖励值最大,通过强化学习平台和仿真平台的对接来进行决策模型搭建和智能体训练,并通过对智能体输出策略的控制来实现智能无人系统的决策管理。

关键词: 智能无人系统, 强化学习, 决策管理, 智能体

Abstract: Intelligent unmanned systems are required to make decisions quickly and stably in complex environments and have the ability to deal with unexpected states, but due to the high complexity of environment and tasks, it is often difficult for them to implement decision-making management. The reinforcement learning platform can provide a good solution to this problem. In view of the diversity, complexity, high dynamics and uncertainty of the environment in which the intelligent unmanned system is located, the decision-making management is carried out by using the reinforcement learning platform, and the environment and situation are accurately perceived and decided in the case of limited sensors, so that the agents can use self-learning and adaptive capabilities to quickly make decisions. Reinforcement learning learns the decision-making strategy through the autonomous interaction with the environment, so as to maximize the long-term cumulative reward value of the strategy. Through the connection of the reinforcement learning platform and the simulation platform, decision-making model construction and agent training are performed, and the decision-making management of intelligent unmanned systems is realized through the control of agent output strategy.

Key words: intelligentunmannedsystem, reinforcementlearning, decisionmanagement, agent
