
兵工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 574-585.doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0145

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李宜果1, 王聪1, 武雨嫣2, 曹伟1, 卢佳兴1, 何乾坤2   

  1. (1.哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001; 2.湖北航天技术研究院 总体设计所, 湖北 武汉 430040)
  • 上线日期:2022-04-07
  • 作者简介:李宜果(1996—),男,博士研究生。E-mail: hit_lyg@163.com

On the Motion Characteristics of Cavity Wall in the High-speed Water Entry of Trans-media Vehicle

LI Yiguo1, WANG Cong1, WU Yuyan2, CAO Wei1, LU Jiaxing1, HE Qiankun2   

  1. (1.School of Astronautics,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,Heilongjiang,China;2.System Design Institute,Hubei Aerospace Technology Academy,Wuhan 430040,Hubei,China)
  • Online:2022-04-07

摘要: 跨介质航行体高速入水涉及非定常多相流动,具有很强的理论研究意义和工程应用价值。为获得航行体高速入水空泡壁面的运动特性,对回转体模型高速入水开展试验研究,分析不同激励效果对空泡演化特性的影响,提取极值位移与姿态角和空化数双自变量的关系并进行曲面拟合。试验结果表明:垂直入水时,自由液面以上的喷溅环以及自由液面以下空泡壁面的相对位移近似对称;非垂直入水时,迎流侧喷溅环显著大于背流侧喷溅环;空化数为0.008 5~0.008 8时,以能量传递与空化为主的正激励主导迎流侧空泡壁面极值位移,且姿态角越小,正激励效果越强;3倍直径深度位置以下时,吸气效应负激励效果相对空化效应正激励效果可以忽略,在极值位移曲面中,背流侧呈现近似对称性,迎流侧呈现近似线性。

关键词: 跨介质航行体, 高速入水, 空泡壁面, 空化数, 入水试验

Abstract: The high-speed water entry of a trans-media vehicle involves unsteady multiphase flow,which has strong theoretical research significance and engineering application value. In order to obtain the motion characteristics of cavity wall in the high-speed water entry of the vehicle,an experimental study is carried out on the high-speed water entry of a rotating body model. The influences of different excitation effects on the evolution characteristics of the cavity are analyzed. The relationship between the extreme displacement of the cavity and the dual independent variables including attitude angle and cavitation number is extracted,for which surface fitting is performed. The experimental results show that both the splash ring above the free liquid surface and the relative displacement of cavity wall below the free liquid surface are approximately symmetrical during the vertical water entry. The splash ring on the upstream side is significantly larger than that on the downstream side during the non-vertical water entry. When the cavitation number is 0.008 5-0.008 8,the positive excitation dominated by energy transfer and cavitation leads to the extreme displacement of cavity wall on the upstream side,and the smaller the attitude angle is,the stronger the positive excitation effect is. Below the 3D depth position,the negative excitation effect of inhalation effect can be ignored relative to the positive excitation effect of cavitation effect. The extreme displacement on the downstream side is approximately symmetrical,and that on the upstream side is approximately linear on the fitted surface.

Key words: trans-mediavehicle, high-speedwaterentry, cavitywall, cavitationnumber, water-entryexperiment
